If using frozen corn, be sure to thaw and drain any excess liquid.
Add in additional peppers for spice or include some of the seeds from the jalapenos. This is a mild corn salsa, as is.
Avocado is a great addition. Please note that if avocado is added, the corn salsa will not keep as long.
Corn salsa will keep in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 4-5 days. It can be made 1-2 days in advance.
The Trader Joe’s seasoning has a nice balance of chili powder, zesty lime, salt, and a little bit of spice. You can omit this seasoning altogether or add your own combination of chili powder, cayenne pepper, lime zest, and salt.
The avocado oil is optional, but it helps to combine the “dressing” ingredients and helps coat the salsa. Olive oil can be used instead of the avocado oil.