This garlic chicken is easy to make and cooks in less than 20 minutes. A dinner idea you can't pass up!
Garlic Chicken hero
Garlic Chicken hero
drying off chicken cubes
drying off chicken cubes
Garlic Chicken step 2
Garlic Chicken step 2
heat the oil in a 12-inch skillet over high heat until very hot but not smoking, add the cubed chicken.
Garlic Chicken step 3
Garlic Chicken step 3
cook in one layer, for about 4-5 minutes, this will develop a lovely crust. turn pieces of chicken and continue cooking for 3-5 more minutes.
Garlic Chicken step 4
Garlic Chicken step 4
Garlic Chicken step 5
Garlic Chicken step 5
Garlic Chicken step 5
Garlic Chicken step 5
Garlic Chicken step 5
Garlic Chicken step 5
Garlic Chicken step 6
Garlic Chicken step 6
use a spoon to remove the chicken to a plate, leaving brown bits, extra parsley and garlic in the pan.
Garlic Chicken step 5
Garlic Chicken step 5
Garlic Chicken step 7
Garlic Chicken step 7
add butter and flour and mix together, cook for a minute or so, stirring continuously.
Garlic Chicken step 5
Garlic Chicken step 5
Garlic Chicken step 8
Garlic Chicken step 8
slowly add the chicken broth, whisking to combine until all broth has been added. Cook until gravy thickens.
Garlic Chicken step 5
Garlic Chicken step 5
Garlic Chicken step 9
Garlic Chicken step 9
Garlic Chicken step 5
Garlic Chicken step 5
Garlic Chicken hero
Garlic Chicken hero
AC intro screenshare
AC intro screenshare